

Moon - Duncan Jones

Unedited Thoughts - This is part of my unedited thoughts series.

This is such an impressive film. This has been on my watch list for way way too long. My little brother has been trying to get me to watch this since he saw it – probably on release.

The entire cast is probably around eight people and Sam (Sam Rockwell) is the only one in it for any length of time (read the entire film). We are introduced to the world through an advertisement for the product (Helium) that Sam is mining on the moon.

From the moment we arrive everything feels a bit off. Strange things keep happening – but not strange enough for us to put our finger on. And none of this is helped by and extremely creepy AI – Gerty (voiced in magnificent mono-tone by Kevin Spacey). HAL eat your heart out.

You spend the first third of the movie expecting something terrible to happen – trying to guess at what is really going on. None of this is helped by ominous messages such as ‘No Communication Link could be found’ when Sam leaves the base on one of the rovers.

Then weird stuff really starts happening when Sam meets himself. The film does a really great job putting us in the headspace of both Sams as they try to figure out what on earth is going on.

While Sam is brilliant Gerty steals the show for me. The dis-embodied arm trying to provide comfort to the grieving Sam as his world come crashing down around him is next level good. And while we are devastated by the lengths that this corporation would go for profit – spare a moment to think of minder of the Sams.

This film is a much watch for sci-fi aficionados but be prepared for a very uncomfortable ride and make sure you have finished the popcorn before the final act because its a bit gross. 

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